Monday, September 15, 2008

How my blog started

I was very inspired with the work of a good friend from pastry school. Her name was Thip. She only started doing professional pastry after she went to school and if you see her work, you'd think that all her creations were just simply amazing. From something little to something big, you get to share your thoughts and ideas with everyone else.

Like her, I too am very creative. I'm very artistically inclined. I like music, food, and things that are colorful. I can make simple things that are about to be thrown away look beautiful. And this is a gift that i'd like to share with you.

Another inspiration, is martha stewart. I get many ideas from her and i learn a lot from the crafts that she makes. This part of my life started during my pregnancy when i was always bored. There's nothing much u can do when you're pregnant so I figured to use my time into creating beautiful things that people would like and adore.

And so far, it has been fun. I hope that you guys will learn something from me too..

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